Caramels jelly-o candy canes danish sweet. Dragée pudding cake bear claw cheesecake danish macaroon chocolate bar. Sesame snaps sugar plum muffin jelly-o jelly-o icing dragée powder ice cream. Liquorice danish jelly-o biscuit donut. Jelly-o liquorice chocolate cake carrot cake macaroon cookie. Lollipop tart sesame snaps pastry lemon drops. Chocolate cake sweet roll chupa chups croissant croissant. Jujubes soufflé biscuit fruitcake chocolate tart biscuit sugar plum apple pie. Donut wafer sweet chupa chups sweet candy canes. Dragée apple pie tart cake caramels cheesecake. Lemon drops icing lollipop biscuit soufflé biscuit tiramisu. Ice cream lollipop gingerbread dragée toffee cupcake soufflé gummies biscuit. Gummies biscuit icing marzipan biscuit.

Best Ways to Repurpose your Podcast for more Visibility in 2024

How To

Planning, recording, and publishing a podcast is time consuming. So if you’re spending all that time and energy to create it, post about it once on your instagram story, then let it sit on a podcast platform and hope somebody finds it, you’re making a huge mistake. Every podcast episode you create has the potential to work so much harder for you by converting it into a blog, a youtube script, Pinterest pins, or an email for your email list, just to name a few. 

Each week you pour your heart into a killer podcast episode, but without a marketing strategy for your podcast, it’s extremely difficult to get more listeners and grow your business. Then,  another episode needs to be recorded, and the constant creation cycle starts all over again. But what if I told you that you could give your content a second life, to boost your online presence and get the attention of your ideal clients? 

In this blog post, I’ll show you why repurposing content is crucial for visibility and share the three best ways to make your podcast content work harder for you.

Why is repurposing important?

Repurposing is the key to extending the life of your content. It’s not just about creating more, but making the most of what you already have. Repurposing your podcast content is like giving it a second wind, reaching new audiences and engaging your existing ones in different ways. 

If you don’t implement repurposing, your potential listeners may never discover the value you offer. Research tells us that the average person needs to hear a message seven times before they take action. Which means listening to your podcast episode one time isn’t going to be enough to help your message sink in. 

By understanding and implementing these repurposing strategies, you not only expand your reach but also leave a lasting impact on your audience. You might be thinking – “isn’t repurposing time-consuming?” or “will it really make a difference?” The answer is no, it doesn’t have to be time consuming and yes, it makes a huge difference when done correctly. By repurposing, you’ll not only be able to create a bigger impact with your podcast, but also make your marketing efforts more sustainable in the long run.

3 Best Ways to Repurpose your Podcast Content

While there are dozens of ways to repurpose your podcast content, I’ve found these three to have the highest return on investment.

Transcribe it into a blog

HubSpot research says that business websites with blogs get 55% more visitors. Combining the power of SEO for organic traffic with easy conversion opportunities makes a blog a must-have for any business. Without it, you’re missing out on organic traffic and easy conversion opportunities.

Search engines prioritize written content, and blogs are indexed more effectively than audio files. By having a written version of your podcast in the form of a blog, you increase the likelihood of your content being found through organic searches on platforms like Google. 

Blogs also offer the capability for better conversion tracking.  Podcasting is fantastic for awareness and nurturing, but tracking conversions can be a challenge. Your listener may be multi-tasking (like driving and listening) which could prevent them from clicking through to your website or connecting with you on social media, whereas with blogs they are likely in front of a laptop or phone and able to engage with your call to action immediately.

By repurposing your podcast into a blog, you cater to a variety of audience preferences: both those who prefer to listen and those who prefer to read, you leverage the strengths of written content for enhanced SEO benefits, and unlock more effective conversion tracking.

Four steps to repurpose your podcast into a blog

Outline the Key Points:

Start by identifying the core messages and key takeaways from your podcast episode. If creating outlines isn’t your strong suit, AI can help. Use, or any other transcription program to create a transcript from your recording. Then, copy and paste the transcript into Chat GPT and use the following prompt: “I’m going to paste the transcript of a recent podcast episode of mine below. I want to repurpose it into a blog. Please identify the key takeaways and outline the headings and subheadings I could use to write a blog based on this transcript.”

Edit for Readability:

Converting your transcript into an easy to blog requires a bit of finessing. AI is far from perfect so I can almost guarantee there will be spelling/grammatical errors or words that weren’t enunciated well enough for the bot to pick up and transcribe. Be sure to listen to your podcast audio, follow along with the transcript, and edit as you go. 

Layer in Relevant Keywords for SEO:

After you’ve edited for readability, now it’s time to edit for SEO. Identify a list of relevant keywords to include into your blog post and naturally incorporate them into your headings and subheadings.  

Just like podcasts have show notes, blogs have meta descriptions. HOwever meta descriptions should be under 150 characters and it’s crucial that they contain keywords. So if your show notes fit that description feel free to copy and paste them as your meta description, otherwise you’ll need to draft one. 

This step is crucial for optimizing your content for search engines, making it more discoverable for people who are actively seeking information related to your podcast topic – so while it may seem boring, don’t skip it.


Now for the easiest part, upload your written draft into your blog hosting platform and publish the blog.  When you do, don’t forget to include the link to your podcast episode and a call to action for them to listen in!

Create Title Pins & Quote Pins for Pinterest

Pinterest isn’t just a place for recipes and vision board pictures, it’s an organic search engine that 482 million people are using every month to find solutions to their problems – solutions that you are ready to give them through your podcast. Not to mention content lives much longer on Pinterest than it does on social media – up to 6 months! 

Given its visual nature, Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to repurpose your podcast content, reaching individuals who may prefer a visual experience over audio. It is important to note that for this method to be most effective, you should be repurposing your podcast into a blog, because Pinterest works best when your pins are linked to written text on a website that you can claim as yours (aka not Buzzsprout or any other podcast hosting domain.)

How to effectively leverage Pinterest for podcast promotion

Optimize Your Pinterest Account

First things first, if you haven’t optimized your Pinterest account by creating a keyword rich name field, keyword rich bio, claiming your website, and 12-15 keyword rich boards with descriptions, that’s where you need to start. Pinterest is a visual search engine, so you’ll need to do all of those things to ensure your content can be found.

Identify Insightful or Controversial Quotes

Listen to your podcast or read through the transcript to pinpoint quotes that embody the essence of your episode. These can be insightful, inspirational, or even a bit controversial—anything that might spark the interest of your ideal client and create curiosity for them to click and learn more.

Create Title Slides or Quote Graphics in Canva

Utilize Canva to create visually appealing and brand aligned graphics. At a minimum, you should be able to create 3 graphics per episode: one with the title of the episode, one with a controversial or insightful quote, and one with bullet points of your main keypoints (aka the headings from your blog).  

The most important thing to remember when creating these graphics is to design with readability, your font needs to be large enough that someone read your graphic while scrolling their feed, and your hook should do the job of pulling their attention in. Then, link each pin to the blog you created for your podcast episode and sit back as the leads roll in on autopilot.

Cut it into short form video snippets

The drive for video in content marketing will continue to rise, in fact studies are saying that video accounted for 82.5% of all web traffic in 2023! So, to increase visibility in 2024, you can’t ignore the need for video content. So, if you’re not already, the next time you hit record on a podcast, make sure your camera is on and recording video content as well.

Think of it this way, repurposing your podcast into short-form video snippets is like movie producers creating a movie trailer. You’re much more likely to commit two hours of your time to watch a movie if the best scenes are featured in a 30 second preview. In the same way, a 30 second clip of an interesting discussion point from your podcast is a lot more engaging than a screenshot of your screen on Apple Podcasts and a link saying “New episode out now”!

Video grabs attention unlike any other type of content, it engages different senses, and gives you the ability to produce high quality social media content without spending extra time creating. A few of the platforms you can utilize this with are: Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok.

How to repurpose your podcast into video snippets

Identify Key Moments

Similar to what you may have already done if you’re converting your podcast into a blog or Pinterest pins, listen to your podcast and pinpoint the most engaging, thought-provoking, funny, or even controversial moments and use those moments to create a teaser experience for your podcast. Here are some questions to consider as you listen that can help you identify some of those key moments:

  • Are there specific pieces of advice or information that stand out as particularly valuable?
  • Are there moments in the podcast that evoke strong emotions, like laughter, surprise, empathy, or inspiration?
  • Are there specific quotes or phrases that embody the essence of your message?
  • Are there parts of the podcast where you provide a unique perspective or industry insights?
  • Do you provide any real-world examples, case studies, or practical applications of the concepts discussed?

Edit the Video for Each Platform

Use video editing tools like Recast,, or to create your video snippets for each platform. This may include adjusting video length (ideally 30-90 seconds depending on the platform), dimensions (from horizontal to vertical), adding captions for accessibility, and branding elements, like your logo.

Optimize Your Post

When uploading your video snippets to social media platforms, be sure to optimize it for SEO there as well. Do this by creating compelling hooks and descriptions/captions, incorporating keywords, and tagging any guests or sponsors from the episode. Also, be sure that the landing page to your podcast is easily found in the link in your bio.

Tips to Save Time on Repurposing

If there’s one thing I’m passionate about when it comes to content creation, it’s simplicity. So let’s talk about the best ways to save time when repurposing your podcast content. There’s no way around it, these things will require time, but that doesn’t mean it has to be your time. If all of this sounds a little too overwhelming or tedious, delegate the work of repurposing so you can stay focused on other tasks in your zone of genius while growing your visibility. (shameless plug: I help female small business owners with this exact thing day in and day out and would love to help you too – if you’re interested, click here to learn more). 

If you decide that DIY is the best option for you, here are a few things you can do to save yourself time while repurposing. Leverage AI to help transcribe, create outlines, draft meta descriptions, and trim videos, just be sure to review/edit what AI produces – always! Create a mix of 5 or so brand aligned Pinterest templates in Canva and rotate between them – that way you never start designing from scratch. Utilize blog templates to save time on formatting and ensure your post is search engine friendly.

It can be so easy to get stuck in the rut of churning out episode after episode, week after week, in the name of “being consistent” but remember – your most important job as a business owner isn’t to create the content, it’s to make sure that your ideal client knows it exists. 

By turning your episodes into blogs, short-form videos, and Pinterest pins, you open the door to new audiences and deepen your connection with existing ones. Start leveraging the power of repurposing, and watch your podcast visibility soar in 2024.

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Michaela – content writer, behind the scenes expert, and chaos coordinator (aka the virgo energy to your creative spirit). And I’m completely obsessed with helping you turn your journal full of ideas into profit driving offers with research backed strategy, magnetic content, and streamlined systems.

If you liked this post and are craving more, here’s how I can help:

Don’t have time for all of this? Let me do all the repurposing for you. Inquire about Monthly Retainer Support and I’ll repurpose your podcast into original, quality content for you to share on all platforms!

Sick of spending hours on content creation? Download Overwhelmed to Omnipresent to learn the exact strategy I use to create enough content for 5 platforms in 2 hours a week.

Subscribe to my newsletter. Every Wednesday, I share tips to help you magnetize your dream clients, eliminate distractions, and propel your business forward that you can read in 5 minutes or less. 
Download The Blogging Essentials Playbook to get access to the exact tools and templates you need to create top shelf blogs in half the time.

Planning, recording, and publishing a podcast is time consuming. So if you’re spending all that time and energy to create it, post about it once on your instagram story, then let it sit on a podcast platform and hope somebody finds it, you’re making a huge mistake. Every podcast episode you create has the potential to work so much harder for you by converting it into a blog, a youtube script, Pinterest pins, or an email for your email list, just to name a few. 

Each week you pour your heart into a killer podcast episode, but without a marketing strategy for your podcast, it’s extremely difficult to get more listeners and grow your business. Then,  another episode needs to be recorded, and the constant creation cycle starts all over again. But what if I told you that you could give your content a second life, to boost your online presence and get the attention of your ideal clients? 

In this blog post, I’ll show you why repurposing content is crucial for visibility and share the three best ways to make your podcast content work harder for you.

Why is repurposing important?

Repurposing is the key to extending the life of your content. It’s not just about creating more, but making the most of what you already have. Repurposing your podcast content is like giving it a second wind, reaching new audiences and engaging your existing ones in different ways. 

If you don’t implement repurposing, your potential listeners may never discover the value you offer. Research tells us that the average person needs to hear a message seven times before they take action. Which means listening to your podcast episode one time isn’t going to be enough to help your message sink in. 

By understanding and implementing these repurposing strategies, you not only expand your reach but also leave a lasting impact on your audience. You might be thinking – “isn’t repurposing time-consuming?” or “will it really make a difference?” The answer is no, it doesn’t have to be time consuming and yes, it makes a huge difference when done correctly. By repurposing, you’ll not only be able to create a bigger impact with your podcast, but also make your marketing efforts more sustainable in the long run.

3 Best Ways to Repurpose your Podcast Content

While there are dozens of ways to repurpose your podcast content, I’ve found these three to have the highest return on investment.

Transcribe it into a blog

HubSpot research says that business websites with blogs get 55% more visitors. Combining the power of SEO for organic traffic with easy conversion opportunities makes a blog a must-have for any business. Without it, you’re missing out on organic traffic and easy conversion opportunities.

Search engines prioritize written content, and blogs are indexed more effectively than audio files. By having a written version of your podcast in the form of a blog, you increase the likelihood of your content being found through organic searches on platforms like Google. 

Blogs also offer the capability for better conversion tracking.  Podcasting is fantastic for awareness and nurturing, but tracking conversions can be a challenge. Your listener may be multi-tasking (like driving and listening) which could prevent them from clicking through to your website or connecting with you on social media, whereas with blogs they are likely in front of a laptop or phone and able to engage with your call to action immediately.

By repurposing your podcast into a blog, you cater to a variety of audience preferences: both those who prefer to listen and those who prefer to read, you leverage the strengths of written content for enhanced SEO benefits, and unlock more effective conversion tracking.

Four steps to repurpose your podcast into a blog

Outline the Key Points:

Start by identifying the core messages and key takeaways from your podcast episode. If creating outlines isn’t your strong suit, AI can help. Use, or any other transcription program to create a transcript from your recording. Then, copy and paste the transcript into Chat GPT and use the following prompt: “I’m going to paste the transcript of a recent podcast episode of mine below. I want to repurpose it into a blog. Please identify the key takeaways and outline the headings and subheadings I could use to write a blog based on this transcript.”

Edit for Readability:

Converting your transcript into an easy to blog requires a bit of finessing. AI is far from perfect so I can almost guarantee there will be spelling/grammatical errors or words that weren’t enunciated well enough for the bot to pick up and transcribe. Be sure to listen to your podcast audio, follow along with the transcript, and edit as you go. 

Layer in Relevant Keywords for SEO:

After you’ve edited for readability, now it’s time to edit for SEO. Identify a list of relevant keywords to include into your blog post and naturally incorporate them into your headings and subheadings.  

Just like podcasts have show notes, blogs have meta descriptions. HOwever meta descriptions should be under 150 characters and it’s crucial that they contain keywords. So if your show notes fit that description feel free to copy and paste them as your meta description, otherwise you’ll need to draft one. 

This step is crucial for optimizing your content for search engines, making it more discoverable for people who are actively seeking information related to your podcast topic – so while it may seem boring, don’t skip it.


Now for the easiest part, upload your written draft into your blog hosting platform and publish the blog.  When you do, don’t forget to include the link to your podcast episode and a call to action for them to listen in!

Create Title Pins & Quote Pins for Pinterest

Pinterest isn’t just a place for recipes and vision board pictures, it’s an organic search engine that 482 million people are using every month to find solutions to their problems – solutions that you are ready to give them through your podcast. Not to mention content lives much longer on Pinterest than it does on social media – up to 6 months! 

Given its visual nature, Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to repurpose your podcast content, reaching individuals who may prefer a visual experience over audio. It is important to note that for this method to be most effective, you should be repurposing your podcast into a blog, because Pinterest works best when your pins are linked to written text on a website that you can claim as yours (aka not Buzzsprout or any other podcast hosting domain.)

How to effectively leverage Pinterest for podcast promotion

Optimize Your Pinterest Account

First things first, if you haven’t optimized your Pinterest account by creating a keyword rich name field, keyword rich bio, claiming your website, and 12-15 keyword rich boards with descriptions, that’s where you need to start. Pinterest is a visual search engine, so you’ll need to do all of those things to ensure your content can be found.

Identify Insightful or Controversial Quotes

Listen to your podcast or read through the transcript to pinpoint quotes that embody the essence of your episode. These can be insightful, inspirational, or even a bit controversial—anything that might spark the interest of your ideal client and create curiosity for them to click and learn more.

Create Title Slides or Quote Graphics in Canva

Utilize Canva to create visually appealing and brand aligned graphics. At a minimum, you should be able to create 3 graphics per episode: one with the title of the episode, one with a controversial or insightful quote, and one with bullet points of your main keypoints (aka the headings from your blog).  

The most important thing to remember when creating these graphics is to design with readability, your font needs to be large enough that someone read your graphic while scrolling their feed, and your hook should do the job of pulling their attention in. Then, link each pin to the blog you created for your podcast episode and sit back as the leads roll in on autopilot.

Cut it into short form video snippets

The drive for video in content marketing will continue to rise, in fact studies are saying that video accounted for 82.5% of all web traffic in 2023! So, to increase visibility in 2024, you can’t ignore the need for video content. So, if you’re not already, the next time you hit record on a podcast, make sure your camera is on and recording video content as well.

Think of it this way, repurposing your podcast into short-form video snippets is like movie producers creating a movie trailer. You’re much more likely to commit two hours of your time to watch a movie if the best scenes are featured in a 30 second preview. In the same way, a 30 second clip of an interesting discussion point from your podcast is a lot more engaging than a screenshot of your screen on Apple Podcasts and a link saying “New episode out now”!

Video grabs attention unlike any other type of content, it engages different senses, and gives you the ability to produce high quality social media content without spending extra time creating. A few of the platforms you can utilize this with are: Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok.

How to repurpose your podcast into video snippets

Identify Key Moments

Similar to what you may have already done if you’re converting your podcast into a blog or Pinterest pins, listen to your podcast and pinpoint the most engaging, thought-provoking, funny, or even controversial moments and use those moments to create a teaser experience for your podcast. Here are some questions to consider as you listen that can help you identify some of those key moments:

  • Are there specific pieces of advice or information that stand out as particularly valuable?
  • Are there moments in the podcast that evoke strong emotions, like laughter, surprise, empathy, or inspiration?
  • Are there specific quotes or phrases that embody the essence of your message?
  • Are there parts of the podcast where you provide a unique perspective or industry insights?
  • Do you provide any real-world examples, case studies, or practical applications of the concepts discussed?

Edit the Video for Each Platform

Use video editing tools like Recast,, or to create your video snippets for each platform. This may include adjusting video length (ideally 30-90 seconds depending on the platform), dimensions (from horizontal to vertical), adding captions for accessibility, and branding elements, like your logo.

Optimize Your Post

When uploading your video snippets to social media platforms, be sure to optimize it for SEO there as well. Do this by creating compelling hooks and descriptions/captions, incorporating keywords, and tagging any guests or sponsors from the episode. Also, be sure that the landing page to your podcast is easily found in the link in your bio.

Tips to Save Time on Repurposing

If there’s one thing I’m passionate about when it comes to content creation, it’s simplicity. So let’s talk about the best ways to save time when repurposing your podcast content. There’s no way around it, these things will require time, but that doesn’t mean it has to be your time. If all of this sounds a little too overwhelming or tedious, delegate the work of repurposing so you can stay focused on other tasks in your zone of genius while growing your visibility. (shameless plug: I help female small business owners with this exact thing day in and day out and would love to help you too – if you’re interested, click here to learn more). 

If you decide that DIY is the best option for you, here are a few things you can do to save yourself time while repurposing. Leverage AI to help transcribe, create outlines, draft meta descriptions, and trim videos, just be sure to review/edit what AI produces – always! Create a mix of 5 or so brand aligned Pinterest templates in Canva and rotate between them – that way you never start designing from scratch. Utilize blog templates to save time on formatting and ensure your post is search engine friendly.

It can be so easy to get stuck in the rut of churning out episode after episode, week after week, in the name of “being consistent” but remember – your most important job as a business owner isn’t to create the content, it’s to make sure that your ideal client knows it exists. 

By turning your episodes into blogs, short-form videos, and Pinterest pins, you open the door to new audiences and deepen your connection with existing ones. Start leveraging the power of repurposing, and watch your podcast visibility soar in 2024.

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Michaela – content writer, behind the scenes expert, and chaos coordinator (aka the virgo energy to your creative spirit). And I’m completely obsessed with helping you turn your journal full of ideas into profit driving offers with research backed strategy, magnetic content, and streamlined systems.

If you liked this post and are craving more, here’s how I can help:

Don’t have time for all of this? Let me do all the repurposing for you. Inquire about Monthly Retainer Support and I’ll repurpose your podcast into original, quality content for you to share on all platforms!

Sick of spending hours on content creation? Download Overwhelmed to Omnipresent to learn the exact strategy I use to create enough content for 5 platforms in 2 hours a week.

Subscribe to my newsletter. Every Wednesday, I share tips to help you magnetize your dream clients, eliminate distractions, and propel your business forward that you can read in 5 minutes or less. 
Download The Blogging Essentials Playbook to get access to the exact tools and templates you need to create top shelf blogs in half the time.

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