Caramels jelly-o candy canes danish sweet. Dragée pudding cake bear claw cheesecake danish macaroon chocolate bar. Sesame snaps sugar plum muffin jelly-o jelly-o icing dragée powder ice cream. Liquorice danish jelly-o biscuit donut. Jelly-o liquorice chocolate cake carrot cake macaroon cookie. Lollipop tart sesame snaps pastry lemon drops. Chocolate cake sweet roll chupa chups croissant croissant. Jujubes soufflé biscuit fruitcake chocolate tart biscuit sugar plum apple pie. Donut wafer sweet chupa chups sweet candy canes. Dragée apple pie tart cake caramels cheesecake. Lemon drops icing lollipop biscuit soufflé biscuit tiramisu. Ice cream lollipop gingerbread dragée toffee cupcake soufflé gummies biscuit. Gummies biscuit icing marzipan biscuit.

Thinking about starting a blog for your online business?

Content Marketing

thinking about starting a blog in 2023 with modern branding photography

Benefits of Blogging for Creative Entrepreneurs

If you’re a business owner building your brand through organic content marketing, chances are you’ve thought about a blog at some point in time. 

I’ve helped dozens of female entrepreneurs create their low maintenance content marketing strategy, and drafted hundreds of blogs (for myself and clients) since MVS opened its doors in 2021. 

So you may have already guessed it, but – (spoiler alert) – I love blogging.  And while I think it’s a crucial piece of any content marketing strategy. I’ll outline the pros and cons objectively for you to decide. But before I do, let me mention that I’m writing this based off of two assumptions:

  1. You are a business owner, selling products or services, considering starting a blog as a part of your sales funnel. (in other words, you’re not looking to make blogging your full time gig)
  2. You already have clarity on what solution you offer and who it’s for (your target audience/ICA)

With that said, let’s get into it.

Benefits of Blogging

  1. It’s easy to get started 

Especially with the Essential Blogging Playbook. All you really need is a domain, a hosting platform (like wordpress, or if you have a Squarespace website, their native platform), and Google Docs. Just block out a day on your calendar to get it set up or knock out some new content and you’re ready to go.

  1. It’s can make social media content easier

Blogs can be repurposed into hundreds of other content pieces and are the perfect type of long form content to create if you prefer to teach through writing vs. talking. Starting a blog means you should never have to stress about what to post on instagram ever again.  Long form content like a blog provides an endless amount of content to be repurposed on other platforms like Instagram, and TikTok.

  1. It’s all you need to start marketing on Pinterest.

If you’ve heard any of the buzz about the value of Pinterest for creative entrepreneurs, then this is probably the most exciting point I’ve made so far. Blogs can easily be shared multiple (10 or more times) to Pinterest. Which means you’re leveraging an additional platform without needing to create more content – huge win!

  1. It builds trust.

Having a blog is a great way to offer free content, build awareness and trust, establish yourself as an expert, and move clients down your funnel (p.s. This means you need to have a marketing funnel in place in order to make money.)

  1. It’s an opportunity to add depth and dimension to your brand.

If the longest piece of content that your ideal clients can consume from your brand is a 2,200 character instagram caption – you’re missing a massive opportunity to deepen your connection with your audience. Blogs create space for thoughtful, lengthy pieces where you can express your opinion (without worry about being shadow banned or canceled) and create a loyal community.

  1. It drives traffic to your website. 

Whether you built your own website or hired a web designer, a lot of time, energy, and sweat equity went into bringing that site to life. Don’t you want it to be seen by as many people as possible? A blog is a great way to expand the reach of your website and attract new eyes to it.

Drawbacks of Blogging

  1. It can be time consuming and consistency is crucial. 

Creating top shelf content isn’t easy, It requires research, a deep understanding of your ideal client, and a commitment to consistency. 

  1. It’s a crowded market. 

With over 600 million blogs online, and Google allowing ads on search results, the competition can be fierce. 

  1. It doesn’t replace the need for other forms of content. 

The fact of the matter is people spend more of their day on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest vs. searching things on Google. So, while optimizing your blog for SEO is important, so is sharing your blog content on other platforms.

  1. It requires patience.  

It takes time to build a loyal audience from Pinterst and/or SEO. Starting a blog is often a slow burn toward success. So, if you’re thinking blogging will be a great way to make a few extra hundred dollars in the next two months, you’re setting yourself up for failure. It will take time to build an audience and without a proper funnel in place or ads, it has the potential to just become a really time consuming hobby.

  1. Tech issues are a possibility. 

Anytime you’re dealing with publishing content online, the potential for technical issues is a potential. There are low maintenance platforms that eliminate some of this stress, but the more customizable of a hosting platform you choose, the higher the risk of tech nightmares.

Leveraging blogging as piece of your content marketing strategy

  1. A way to get in front of the right people aka a visibility tool. Just make sure that it’s optimized for SEO.
  2. A nurturing tool aka to build trust and establish you as an expert in your industry  (where leads and clients go to get their questions answered)
  3. A way to make social media content creation less…panic inducing. One blog post can serve as multiple social media posts, an email newsletter, a handful of Pinterest Pins, and the list goes on. Make it the cornerstone of your content marketing strategy, and the game will get so much easier.

To sum it all up, blogging is probably a smart move for your brand if:

  • You want to establish a low maintenance marketing strategy (one that doesn’t require posting 5x a day on Tik Tok)
  • You prefer to communicate with your audience by writing instead of talking
  • You’re willing to invest the time/energy to create, edit, and update it consistently OR the money to outsource it (shameless plug that MVS can help with that)
  • You struggle to come up with social media content and newsletter topics (create/repurpose one blog per week and voila you’ll have more than enough)
  • You’re committed to the long game of blogging and understand that it’s not a get rich quick strategy (as if anything in marketing really is)

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Michaela – content writer, behind the scenes expert, and chaos coordinator (aka the virgo energy to your creative spirit). And I’m completely obsessed with helping you turn your journal full of ideas into profit driving offers with research backed strategy, magnetic content, and streamlined systems.

If you liked this blog post or are curious about blogging and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together: Subscribe to the Midweek Momentum, my weekly newsletter with marketing and operations tips you can read in 5 minutes or less. Get access to the exact templates I use to create over 16 pieces of original blog content per month, from the Shop. Get a month’s worth of blog content created for you during a VIP Day.

thinking about starting a blog in 2023 with modern branding photography

Benefits of Blogging for Creative Entrepreneurs

If you’re a business owner building your brand through organic content marketing, chances are you’ve thought about a blog at some point in time. 

I’ve helped dozens of female entrepreneurs create their low maintenance content marketing strategy, and drafted hundreds of blogs (for myself and clients) since MVS opened its doors in 2021. 

So you may have already guessed it, but – (spoiler alert) – I love blogging.  And while I think it’s a crucial piece of any content marketing strategy. I’ll outline the pros and cons objectively for you to decide. But before I do, let me mention that I’m writing this based off of two assumptions:

  1. You are a business owner, selling products or services, considering starting a blog as a part of your sales funnel. (in other words, you’re not looking to make blogging your full time gig)
  2. You already have clarity on what solution you offer and who it’s for (your target audience/ICA)

With that said, let’s get into it.

Benefits of Blogging

  1. It’s easy to get started 

Especially with the Essential Blogging Playbook. All you really need is a domain, a hosting platform (like wordpress, or if you have a Squarespace website, their native platform), and Google Docs. Just block out a day on your calendar to get it set up or knock out some new content and you’re ready to go.

  1. It’s can make social media content easier

Blogs can be repurposed into hundreds of other content pieces and are the perfect type of long form content to create if you prefer to teach through writing vs. talking. Starting a blog means you should never have to stress about what to post on instagram ever again.  Long form content like a blog provides an endless amount of content to be repurposed on other platforms like Instagram, and TikTok.

  1. It’s all you need to start marketing on Pinterest.

If you’ve heard any of the buzz about the value of Pinterest for creative entrepreneurs, then this is probably the most exciting point I’ve made so far. Blogs can easily be shared multiple (10 or more times) to Pinterest. Which means you’re leveraging an additional platform without needing to create more content – huge win!

  1. It builds trust.

Having a blog is a great way to offer free content, build awareness and trust, establish yourself as an expert, and move clients down your funnel (p.s. This means you need to have a marketing funnel in place in order to make money.)

  1. It’s an opportunity to add depth and dimension to your brand.

If the longest piece of content that your ideal clients can consume from your brand is a 2,200 character instagram caption – you’re missing a massive opportunity to deepen your connection with your audience. Blogs create space for thoughtful, lengthy pieces where you can express your opinion (without worry about being shadow banned or canceled) and create a loyal community.

  1. It drives traffic to your website. 

Whether you built your own website or hired a web designer, a lot of time, energy, and sweat equity went into bringing that site to life. Don’t you want it to be seen by as many people as possible? A blog is a great way to expand the reach of your website and attract new eyes to it.

Drawbacks of Blogging

  1. It can be time consuming and consistency is crucial. 

Creating top shelf content isn’t easy, It requires research, a deep understanding of your ideal client, and a commitment to consistency. 

  1. It’s a crowded market. 

With over 600 million blogs online, and Google allowing ads on search results, the competition can be fierce. 

  1. It doesn’t replace the need for other forms of content. 

The fact of the matter is people spend more of their day on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest vs. searching things on Google. So, while optimizing your blog for SEO is important, so is sharing your blog content on other platforms.

  1. It requires patience.  

It takes time to build a loyal audience from Pinterst and/or SEO. Starting a blog is often a slow burn toward success. So, if you’re thinking blogging will be a great way to make a few extra hundred dollars in the next two months, you’re setting yourself up for failure. It will take time to build an audience and without a proper funnel in place or ads, it has the potential to just become a really time consuming hobby.

  1. Tech issues are a possibility. 

Anytime you’re dealing with publishing content online, the potential for technical issues is a potential. There are low maintenance platforms that eliminate some of this stress, but the more customizable of a hosting platform you choose, the higher the risk of tech nightmares.

Leveraging blogging as piece of your content marketing strategy

  1. A way to get in front of the right people aka a visibility tool. Just make sure that it’s optimized for SEO.
  2. A nurturing tool aka to build trust and establish you as an expert in your industry  (where leads and clients go to get their questions answered)
  3. A way to make social media content creation less…panic inducing. One blog post can serve as multiple social media posts, an email newsletter, a handful of Pinterest Pins, and the list goes on. Make it the cornerstone of your content marketing strategy, and the game will get so much easier.

To sum it all up, blogging is probably a smart move for your brand if:

  • You want to establish a low maintenance marketing strategy (one that doesn’t require posting 5x a day on Tik Tok)
  • You prefer to communicate with your audience by writing instead of talking
  • You’re willing to invest the time/energy to create, edit, and update it consistently OR the money to outsource it (shameless plug that MVS can help with that)
  • You struggle to come up with social media content and newsletter topics (create/repurpose one blog per week and voila you’ll have more than enough)
  • You’re committed to the long game of blogging and understand that it’s not a get rich quick strategy (as if anything in marketing really is)

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Michaela – content writer, behind the scenes expert, and chaos coordinator (aka the virgo energy to your creative spirit). And I’m completely obsessed with helping you turn your journal full of ideas into profit driving offers with research backed strategy, magnetic content, and streamlined systems.

If you liked this blog post or are curious about blogging and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together: Subscribe to the Midweek Momentum, my weekly newsletter with marketing and operations tips you can read in 5 minutes or less. Get access to the exact templates I use to create over 16 pieces of original blog content per month, from the Shop. Get a month’s worth of blog content created for you during a VIP Day.

  1. […] If you don’t believe me or you’re still on the fence about the value of blogging, check out this article to find out if blogging is right for your […]

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