Caramels jelly-o candy canes danish sweet. Dragée pudding cake bear claw cheesecake danish macaroon chocolate bar. Sesame snaps sugar plum muffin jelly-o jelly-o icing dragée powder ice cream. Liquorice danish jelly-o biscuit donut. Jelly-o liquorice chocolate cake carrot cake macaroon cookie. Lollipop tart sesame snaps pastry lemon drops. Chocolate cake sweet roll chupa chups croissant croissant. Jujubes soufflé biscuit fruitcake chocolate tart biscuit sugar plum apple pie. Donut wafer sweet chupa chups sweet candy canes. Dragée apple pie tart cake caramels cheesecake. Lemon drops icing lollipop biscuit soufflé biscuit tiramisu. Ice cream lollipop gingerbread dragée toffee cupcake soufflé gummies biscuit. Gummies biscuit icing marzipan biscuit.

What should I write about for my business blog? 


In today’s digital marketing age, growing an online presence is crucial for the success of any small business. One of the most powerful tools to increase your brand’s visibility and trust with your audience is blogging. So today I’m sharing why blogging is essential for your small business, how it differs from lifestyle or “mommy blogging”, and giving you the six best blog topic ideas to get you started.

Why should I blog for my business? 

Blogging is one of the best ways to organically market your business on autopilot. Not only does it boost brand awareness and web traffic, it builds a strong foundation for content repurposing, making all other marketing channels like email and social media much simpler and faster.  

The truth is, the only way to fail at blogging is to avoid or procrastinate doing it. But don’t take my word for it, here are a few statistics to show you the impact that blogging can have on your business. 

“Companies that blog generate 4 times more email subscribers compared to those that don’t.” (Source: HubSpot)

“Small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads compared to those without a blog.” (Source: Impact)

“Businesses that prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to achieve a positive ROI.” (Source: HubSpot)

In other words, if you want to get out of the 24/7 content creation trap of social media, grow your email list, and generate more revenue – blogging is the answer.

How is business blogging different from lifestyle blogging? 

While both business blogging and lifestyle blogging involve sharing content online in order to make money, their strategy is vastly different. Business blogging primarily centers around strategically promoting the products or services your business offers and building your authority. The content is tailored to address the pain points of your target audience and offer solutions through your service suite. 

On the other hand, lifestyle blogging revolves around journaling on personal experiences, hobbies, and interests that your audience can relate to. The primary goal of lifestyle blogging is to entertain, connect with readers, and make money from ads and affiliate marketing.

The style of writing and call to actions are very different from lifestyle blogging and business blogging.

6 Best Blog Ideas for Small Businesses 

Now that you know blogs can help you increase your organic search results and make all other forms of content (email, social media, Pinterest) even easier, the only question left is what should you write about? Well, I’ve got you covered with the six best blog types for small businesses to write with prompts to get your creative wheels turning and example titles to use. Grab your pen and paper (or a google doc if you’re more a digital note taking girlie) and jot down ten ideas for each of these categories. By the end of this blog you’ll have brainstormed over a year’s worth of weekly blog ideas.

1. How To Blogs

How To blogs are the most popular type of blog (according to Orbit Media). Use a How To blog to educate on a topic within your content pillars, by answering the three major questions that surround education on any new topic (what, why, and how). These posts are often the best for repurposing to social media since each section could easily be its own post.

When brainstorming topics for this type of blog, consider some of the tasks you do on a daily basis in your business. Which of these tasks would your ideal client be interested in learning to do on their own? What tasks do you have a unique process for? Outline it and share it with your audience.

Good titles for this type of blog are phrased in the form of a question.

2. Comparison Blogs

Comparison blogs are perfect to help your audience understand the pros and cons of two similar items – this could be two similar services/products that you offer, the differences between you and a competitor, or the differences between two types of systems/tools/programs. Analytic buyers will love seeing the side by side comparison of two things they’re considering and your recommendation could help seal the deal. 

When brainstorming topics for this type of blog, consider some frequently asked questions that you get from leads or clients? What programs, systems, practices could you create clarity around by giving a comparison?

Good titles for this type of blog could be “what’s the difference between X and Y” or “ X versus Y, which is better?”

3. Roundup / Best of Blogs

Roundup blogs are perfect when you want to create a shareable, highly valuable overview or master reference of information for your audience. These articles (when done well) have a high probability of ranking on page one of Google. Roundup posts summarize a bunch of information that your reader cares about and needs to know into one article, saving them time from having to read a bunch of different blogs. Roundup posts are highly subjective so your opinions and perspective are important to include.

Roundup blogs are specifically great for location based businesses, think “Best Restaurants in Denver” “Most Unique Airbnb’s in Dallas” or “Best Wedding Venues in Chicago.” But they can also be used by any small business to express their brand personality or share a lot of information at once, like “50 things every web designer should know” or “7 things most brides forget on their wedding day.”

Good titles for this type of blog could be “The Best ____” or “The Ultimate List of ___”

4. Guest Interview Blogs

Guest Interview blogs are an amazing way to increase your visibility and reinforce your authority online. Draft 5-7 questions for your expert, submit your questions to them via email, and when you receive their response, copy and paste it into your blog outline. But, here’s where most small businesses miss the mark on their guest interviews, they fail to provide their take on the guest expert’s answers. If you want to level up your guest interview blogs, be sure to drop nuggets of your unique perspective throughout the interview to give it some personality.

Once the blog goes live, send your guest the link with a promotional graphic for them to share with their audience. Thank them again for their time with the interview and ask them to let their audience know about it through social media or email.

Good titles for this type of blog post would be “Best Practices for ____ with Expert ___” or “Things you didn’t know about ___ with _____.”

5. Portfolio / Case Study Blogs

Portfolio blogs are the BEST way for small business owners to share client case studies or featured work they’ve done for a client. But here’s the part that most businesses miss – be sure to do it through storytelling.  When writing your case study or portfolio feature blog, open it with a story about your client’s pain before working with you. What was their reality before working with you? What was going on in their world/what feelings were they experiencing that convinced them they needed help? Then share a behind the scenes look at the process you took them through and the transformation they experienced after working with you. Remember, the purpose of this blog (and all the others) is to offer value to your reader, NOT to brag about yourself, so give them some tangible takeaways to implement.

When trying to decide which client to feature for this type of blog, look through your recent testimonials (and please please please tell me you’re sending a testimonial form to all of your clients? If not, you need to download 5 Star Reviews Freebie and start right now) and choose one that has the most powerful transformation or one that demonstrates your skill at whatever type of project you’d like to book more of next. (i.e. if you want to book for wedding photography clients, feature more of your wedding portfolios.)

A good title for this type of blog post would be “How to go from [negative emotion/pain point before working with you] to [positive emotion] as a [title/industry of your ideal client.]”

6. What’s Trending/Newsjacking Blogs

Newsjacking blogs are the perfect way for you to take advantage of trends, media hype, or offer your “hot take” on a popular topic to increase visibility for your brand. The most important thing to note about this type of blog is that time is of the essence. In today’s culture of short attention spans, trends rise and die quickly, and you want to be sure that your blog goes live prior to the peak of public interest.  

Before you start writing, make sure you have all the facts. Do some research on your topic and find the original source of the news story or trend (if you can) to make sure you maintain credibility.  While writing, remember to set the stage for those who may not be aware of the trend by giving context first, then explaining how the trend is relevant to your ideal client’s problems or desires.

A good title for this type of blog post would be “What does [trend] have to do with [your ideal client’s industry/niche]?”

Want plug & play blog templates to write these in half the time?

Now that you have all of your topic ideas, let’s talk about how you can turn these ideas into full formed top quality blogs that your ideal client obsesses over – in half the time. Because let’s be honest, you don’t have time to stare at a blank Google Doc praying for inspiration to arrive or waste precious time and energy writing blog posts that never get the attention they deserve.

As a Marketing and Operations Assistant, I am constantly seeing female founders who feel bottle necked in their business because they are caught in the endless cycle of content creation. They are trying to keep up with email, Instagram, Tik Tok, Linked in, and the next new social platform meanwhile, long form content (like blogging) falls to the wayside.

But not every budget can warrant in-house blog writing support. So, I created The Blogging Essentials Playbook to help small business owners (like you) get access to my framework for a fraction of the cost. That way you can get a strong foundation for content repurposing and the visibility you want in less time! 

Inside The Blogging Essentials Playbook you’ll get:

  • 4 Plug & Play Blog Post Templates 
  • 55 Fill In The Blank Title Formulas 
  • Best SEO Practices & Blogging Tools Used Ebook
  • A Full WordPress Blogging SOP 
  • 12 Storytelling Prompts 
  • A Pre-Publishing Checklist 
  • A Blogging Terminology Dictionary 
  • Launch Your First Blog Checklist

Click here to grab the Playbook and get access to the exact tools & templates that I use to write blogs for my own retainer clients.

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Michaela – content writer, behind the scenes expert, and chaos coordinator (aka the virgo energy to your creative spirit). And I’m completely obsessed with helping you turn your journal full of ideas into profit driving offers with research backed strategy, magnetic content, and streamlined systems.

If you liked this post and are craving more, here’s how I can help:

Book a VIP Day and let me bring your dream project to life – I create digital products, email nurture sequences, blog content, and anything else your heart can dream up.

Subscribe to my newsletter. Every Wednesday, I share tips to help you magnetize your dream clients, eliminate distractions, and propel your business forward that you can read in 5 minutes or less. 

Check out the rest of the blog for a bunch more low maintenance marketing and passive income tips.

Purchase The Blogging Essentials Playbook to get access to the exact tools and templates you need to create top shelf blogs in half the time.

In today’s digital marketing age, growing an online presence is crucial for the success of any small business. One of the most powerful tools to increase your brand’s visibility and trust with your audience is blogging. So today I’m sharing why blogging is essential for your small business, how it differs from lifestyle or “mommy blogging”, and giving you the six best blog topic ideas to get you started.

Why should I blog for my business? 

Blogging is one of the best ways to organically market your business on autopilot. Not only does it boost brand awareness and web traffic, it builds a strong foundation for content repurposing, making all other marketing channels like email and social media much simpler and faster.  

The truth is, the only way to fail at blogging is to avoid or procrastinate doing it. But don’t take my word for it, here are a few statistics to show you the impact that blogging can have on your business. 

“Companies that blog generate 4 times more email subscribers compared to those that don’t.” (Source: HubSpot)

“Small businesses with blogs generate 126% more leads compared to those without a blog.” (Source: Impact)

“Businesses that prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to achieve a positive ROI.” (Source: HubSpot)

In other words, if you want to get out of the 24/7 content creation trap of social media, grow your email list, and generate more revenue – blogging is the answer.

How is business blogging different from lifestyle blogging? 

While both business blogging and lifestyle blogging involve sharing content online in order to make money, their strategy is vastly different. Business blogging primarily centers around strategically promoting the products or services your business offers and building your authority. The content is tailored to address the pain points of your target audience and offer solutions through your service suite. 

On the other hand, lifestyle blogging revolves around journaling on personal experiences, hobbies, and interests that your audience can relate to. The primary goal of lifestyle blogging is to entertain, connect with readers, and make money from ads and affiliate marketing.

The style of writing and call to actions are very different from lifestyle blogging and business blogging.

6 Best Blog Ideas for Small Businesses 

Now that you know blogs can help you increase your organic search results and make all other forms of content (email, social media, Pinterest) even easier, the only question left is what should you write about? Well, I’ve got you covered with the six best blog types for small businesses to write with prompts to get your creative wheels turning and example titles to use. Grab your pen and paper (or a google doc if you’re more a digital note taking girlie) and jot down ten ideas for each of these categories. By the end of this blog you’ll have brainstormed over a year’s worth of weekly blog ideas.

1. How To Blogs

How To blogs are the most popular type of blog (according to Orbit Media). Use a How To blog to educate on a topic within your content pillars, by answering the three major questions that surround education on any new topic (what, why, and how). These posts are often the best for repurposing to social media since each section could easily be its own post.

When brainstorming topics for this type of blog, consider some of the tasks you do on a daily basis in your business. Which of these tasks would your ideal client be interested in learning to do on their own? What tasks do you have a unique process for? Outline it and share it with your audience.

Good titles for this type of blog are phrased in the form of a question.

2. Comparison Blogs

Comparison blogs are perfect to help your audience understand the pros and cons of two similar items – this could be two similar services/products that you offer, the differences between you and a competitor, or the differences between two types of systems/tools/programs. Analytic buyers will love seeing the side by side comparison of two things they’re considering and your recommendation could help seal the deal. 

When brainstorming topics for this type of blog, consider some frequently asked questions that you get from leads or clients? What programs, systems, practices could you create clarity around by giving a comparison?

Good titles for this type of blog could be “what’s the difference between X and Y” or “ X versus Y, which is better?”

3. Roundup / Best of Blogs

Roundup blogs are perfect when you want to create a shareable, highly valuable overview or master reference of information for your audience. These articles (when done well) have a high probability of ranking on page one of Google. Roundup posts summarize a bunch of information that your reader cares about and needs to know into one article, saving them time from having to read a bunch of different blogs. Roundup posts are highly subjective so your opinions and perspective are important to include.

Roundup blogs are specifically great for location based businesses, think “Best Restaurants in Denver” “Most Unique Airbnb’s in Dallas” or “Best Wedding Venues in Chicago.” But they can also be used by any small business to express their brand personality or share a lot of information at once, like “50 things every web designer should know” or “7 things most brides forget on their wedding day.”

Good titles for this type of blog could be “The Best ____” or “The Ultimate List of ___”

4. Guest Interview Blogs

Guest Interview blogs are an amazing way to increase your visibility and reinforce your authority online. Draft 5-7 questions for your expert, submit your questions to them via email, and when you receive their response, copy and paste it into your blog outline. But, here’s where most small businesses miss the mark on their guest interviews, they fail to provide their take on the guest expert’s answers. If you want to level up your guest interview blogs, be sure to drop nuggets of your unique perspective throughout the interview to give it some personality.

Once the blog goes live, send your guest the link with a promotional graphic for them to share with their audience. Thank them again for their time with the interview and ask them to let their audience know about it through social media or email.

Good titles for this type of blog post would be “Best Practices for ____ with Expert ___” or “Things you didn’t know about ___ with _____.”

5. Portfolio / Case Study Blogs

Portfolio blogs are the BEST way for small business owners to share client case studies or featured work they’ve done for a client. But here’s the part that most businesses miss – be sure to do it through storytelling.  When writing your case study or portfolio feature blog, open it with a story about your client’s pain before working with you. What was their reality before working with you? What was going on in their world/what feelings were they experiencing that convinced them they needed help? Then share a behind the scenes look at the process you took them through and the transformation they experienced after working with you. Remember, the purpose of this blog (and all the others) is to offer value to your reader, NOT to brag about yourself, so give them some tangible takeaways to implement.

When trying to decide which client to feature for this type of blog, look through your recent testimonials (and please please please tell me you’re sending a testimonial form to all of your clients? If not, you need to download 5 Star Reviews Freebie and start right now) and choose one that has the most powerful transformation or one that demonstrates your skill at whatever type of project you’d like to book more of next. (i.e. if you want to book for wedding photography clients, feature more of your wedding portfolios.)

A good title for this type of blog post would be “How to go from [negative emotion/pain point before working with you] to [positive emotion] as a [title/industry of your ideal client.]”

6. What’s Trending/Newsjacking Blogs

Newsjacking blogs are the perfect way for you to take advantage of trends, media hype, or offer your “hot take” on a popular topic to increase visibility for your brand. The most important thing to note about this type of blog is that time is of the essence. In today’s culture of short attention spans, trends rise and die quickly, and you want to be sure that your blog goes live prior to the peak of public interest.  

Before you start writing, make sure you have all the facts. Do some research on your topic and find the original source of the news story or trend (if you can) to make sure you maintain credibility.  While writing, remember to set the stage for those who may not be aware of the trend by giving context first, then explaining how the trend is relevant to your ideal client’s problems or desires.

A good title for this type of blog post would be “What does [trend] have to do with [your ideal client’s industry/niche]?”

Want plug & play blog templates to write these in half the time?

Now that you have all of your topic ideas, let’s talk about how you can turn these ideas into full formed top quality blogs that your ideal client obsesses over – in half the time. Because let’s be honest, you don’t have time to stare at a blank Google Doc praying for inspiration to arrive or waste precious time and energy writing blog posts that never get the attention they deserve.

As a Marketing and Operations Assistant, I am constantly seeing female founders who feel bottle necked in their business because they are caught in the endless cycle of content creation. They are trying to keep up with email, Instagram, Tik Tok, Linked in, and the next new social platform meanwhile, long form content (like blogging) falls to the wayside.

But not every budget can warrant in-house blog writing support. So, I created The Blogging Essentials Playbook to help small business owners (like you) get access to my framework for a fraction of the cost. That way you can get a strong foundation for content repurposing and the visibility you want in less time! 

Inside The Blogging Essentials Playbook you’ll get:

  • 4 Plug & Play Blog Post Templates 
  • 55 Fill In The Blank Title Formulas 
  • Best SEO Practices & Blogging Tools Used Ebook
  • A Full WordPress Blogging SOP 
  • 12 Storytelling Prompts 
  • A Pre-Publishing Checklist 
  • A Blogging Terminology Dictionary 
  • Launch Your First Blog Checklist

Click here to grab the Playbook and get access to the exact tools & templates that I use to write blogs for my own retainer clients.

In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Michaela – content writer, behind the scenes expert, and chaos coordinator (aka the virgo energy to your creative spirit). And I’m completely obsessed with helping you turn your journal full of ideas into profit driving offers with research backed strategy, magnetic content, and streamlined systems.

If you liked this post and are craving more, here’s how I can help:

Book a VIP Day and let me bring your dream project to life – I create digital products, email nurture sequences, blog content, and anything else your heart can dream up.

Subscribe to my newsletter. Every Wednesday, I share tips to help you magnetize your dream clients, eliminate distractions, and propel your business forward that you can read in 5 minutes or less. 

Check out the rest of the blog for a bunch more low maintenance marketing and passive income tips.

Purchase The Blogging Essentials Playbook to get access to the exact tools and templates you need to create top shelf blogs in half the time.

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